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Does Purple Toothpaste Really Whiten Teeth or Is It Just Color Theory?

added on: October 25, 2023

Purple toothpaste has taken the oral care market by storm in recent years, promising to not only clean your teeth but also whiten them. But is it just a gimmick, or can it actually transform the color of your teeth? While your dentist in Elbridge will always recommend a professional whitening solution over a DIY approach, let’s take a look at the science behind purple toothpaste and whether it’s a legitimate teeth-whitening solution or merely a clever application of color theory.

Understanding the Basics of Tooth Staining

Before we jump into the discussion of purple toothpaste, we need to understand how and why teeth become stained in the first place. Dental stains can be broadly categorized into two types: extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic Stains

These are superficial stains that occur on the outer surface of the tooth enamel. Common culprits include coffee, tea, red wine, and smoking. Extrinsic stains are often easier to remove through regular brushing and professional dental cleanings.

Intrinsic Stains

These types of stains are more challenging to treat as they originate within the tooth’s structure. Causes of intrinsic stains include certain medications, fluorosis, and tooth trauma. Intrinsic stains require more specialized treatments like professional teeth whitening or forms of cosmetic dentistry.

The Role of Color Theory in Purple Toothpaste

Now, let’s explore the concept of color theory and how it relates to purple toothpaste. Color theory suggests that certain colors can create optical illusions or perceptions that affect how we perceive the color of objects, including our teeth.

Purple & Yellow

When looking at color theory, we need to consider the color wheel. When examining a color wheel we see that purple is opposite to yellow, meaning purple can counteract yellow. Purple toothpaste, when applied to the teeth, can create an optical illusion by neutralizing yellow or brownish stains. This, in turn, makes the teeth appear whiter. It’s similar to how wearing complementary colors can make your clothing look more vibrant.

The Whitening Ingredients in Purple Toothpaste

However, it’s important to note that many purple toothpaste products on the market do actually contain ingredients that are known for their teeth-whitening properties such as: 

  • Hydrogen Peroxide – Hydrogen peroxide is a common teeth-whitening agent that can break down and remove stains on the tooth’s surface. In fact, it’s one of the ingredients that your dentist in Elbridge will use during a professional whitening treatment.
  • Activated Charcoal – Activated charcoal is believed to absorb surface stains and toxins, helping to whiten teeth.

While these ingredients do have whitening potential, their effectiveness can vary from product to product.

So, Does Purple Toothpaste Work? 

Opinions differ on whether or not purple toothpaste actually whitens teeth or not. Even if you use purple toothpaste and notice some improvement in the color of your teeth, it’s important to know that it’s not a magic solution for teeth whitening. In fact, teeth whitening solutions from your Elbridge dentist will typically be fast, more dramatic, and last longer. 

More importantly, regardless of the color of your toothpaste, maintaining good oral hygiene practices is essential for achieving and maintaining white teeth, and healthy teeth. Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, floss daily to remove plaque and debris from between your teeth and along the gumline, and minimize the consumption of stain-causing substances such as coffee, tea, and tobacco products. Additionally, visiting your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and to discuss any concerns about teeth staining or discoloration can help keep your teeth healthy. 

Even though purple toothpastes tend to include ingredients that can brighten teeth, it’s important to know that they can also create an illusion of whiter teeth through the principles of color theory, where the purple color neutralizes yellow or brown stains. Their effectiveness can vary greatly based on the product’s ingredients and the type of stains being treated. 

If you have significant staining or discoloration issues, consult your dentist for personalized teeth-whitening recommendations.

About The Author
Dr. Jon Ohnezeit

Dr. Jon Ohnezeit is a dedicated general dentist who offers a comprehensive range of dental services, including adult orthodontics, surgical extractions, root canals, and dental implants. With extensive training and experience, he provides personalized care and cutting-edge treatments to ensure optimal oral health. Dr. Jon is actively involved in community outreach programs, volunteering in underserved communities and providing dental education to local schools.